Mediterranean Session of Higher Strategic Studies for Senior Executives (MSHSS)
- Pedagogy of the training session
For more than 30 years, the FMES institute has offered a training session directed to Senior Executives of both the public and private sectors. This session allows for a better understanding of geostrategic issues, with a focus on the Mediterranean and the Near and Middle East.
The annual cycle of the Mediterranean Session of Higher Strategic Studies is based on a tried and tested method that combines theory and practice, developed in partnership with the IHEDN and the University of Toulon. From October to June, the session meets three days a month for training based on three pillars:
An immersion into the heart of the defence, security and foreign affairs bodies
Conference-debates and unique exchanges are organised with high-level French and foreign representatives, to understand current issues as close as possible to the decision-making bodies.
A theoretical approach illustrated by visits in France and abroad
Visits to organisations, companies and civil and military installations related to the annual theme. Three study visits abroad are then organised to extend the international perspective.
Work conducted by committees
Group reflection is at the heart of the course. This approach is particularly fruitful: the diversity of the auditors' profiles encourages richer exchanges and a plurality of perspectives, which are essential for in-depth strategic thinking.
Would you like to join the adventure of the next MSHSS in 2025-2026?
- Leaders and future leaders;
- Parliamentarians and elected representatives;
- Senior civil servants, senior officers and academics;
- High-level managers in the public and private sectors;
- Employees in the voluntary sector, journalists and religious representatives, lawyers, consultants and entrepreneurs.
Admission to the session is decided in September by the FMES’ teaching committee, based on an examination of the application. Several criteria are taken into account when selecting candidates:
- Career path and level of responsibility,
- The richness of personal experience,
- Willingness to commit during and after the session,
- Interest in defense and security issues in the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East,
- Open-mindedness and capacity for integration,
- An appetite for collective thinking, dialogue and interaction,
- Career prospects,
- The ability to convey ideas clearly and convincingly.
Public or private sectors : 9000 €
Self-employed, SMEs and local authorities : 6000 €
You can now register for the next session by completing the form below and attaching the following documents:
- An ID photo
- A curriculum vitae
- A copy of a valid national identity card or passport
- A “secret” level security certificate (to be obtained from the security officer if you are authorized).
Once all the information has been compiled, the entire dossier should be sent to the following address:
Accessibility to the session for people with disabilities is possible: During seminars, the various visits and conferences takes place, in the vast majority, in accessible premises (ERP). In some cases (e.g. French Navy warships), the FMES Institute will, as far as possible, provide compensatory facilities (multimedia resources or virtual tours).
If you have any queries, please contact the Institute’s Disability Officer:
- Objectives of the session
ACQUIRE a solid geopolitical and geostrategic culture through the study of French, European and international defence and security issues around a major topical theme;
DEVELOP a method of geopolitical analysis and actively contribute to the decision-making process;
COLLABORATE on a study report;
CONSTITUTE a network characterised by the level and diversity of its members;
OBTAIN a diploma in ‘Strategy and prospective analysis of Mediterranean worlds’ awarded by the University of Toulon.
Ensuring the professional diversity of auditors
The diversity of the auditors’ profiles and professional backgrounds (Paris, province, public and private sectors, etc.) helps to break down barriers between participants and exposes them to new perspectives.
- The management team
- Latest news about the session
Theme for 2024/2025
The Red Sea at the crossroads of geopolitical recompositions and global strategies.
Theme for 2025/2026