Face aux recompositions du monde affectant notamment l’espace méditerranéen, l’Afrique et le Moyen-Orient, le pôle « réflexion stratégique et géopolitique » de la FMES décrypte l’actualité et les lignes de force qui impactent cette vaste zone cruciale pour l’Europe.

Ce pôle de réflexion agrège les compétences croisées des chercheurs et chercheurs associés de l’Institut.

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The successful mini-max strategy of Russia in the Middle East

Colonel Cyril Iordanow, Baltic Defence College, Saint-Cyrien and former commanding officer of the 93rd mountain artillery regiment. This article was written as part of the High Command Studies Course 2024 at the Baltic Defence College in Tartu (Estonia). Benefiting from the confidence of Vladimir Putin, Russian diplomacy conducts a successful mini-max strategy in the Middle East based on a minimum commitment for maximum benefits. Agile, pragmatic, and opportunistic, it aims

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Where is Jordan headed?

Marion SORANT, FMES associate member of the Strategic Monitoring Centre for the Mediterranean and the Middle East (OS2MO) Summary Jordan, which hosted the second regional annual Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership on 20 December 2022 and has distinguished itself in the region by its opposition to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, is strategically positioned as a stable and reliable ally of the West in the midst of the tumultuous

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After the Russian invasion of Ukraine: France and Italy face rupture in the east, but also in the south

Admiral (ret) Pascal Ausseur, Director General of FMES Article originally published in the July 2022 issue of RDN journal. The major changes that are disrupting their strategic environment require Italy and France to overcome their differences in terms of visibility in the Mediterranean, their relationship with the southern shore, their perception of the terrorist threat and their analysis of geopolitical risks. Drawing on their experience, their positioning and their mutual

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