The most recent conflicts show increased willingness to resort to violence and the multiplication of actors and forms of confrontation involving states. With Russia’s Black Sea Fleet undergoing slow but real attrition, and the world’s...
Chirine RiazIn response to emerging forms of naval combat, the French Navy, constrained by real budgetary limits, must make drastic choices on technologies that allow it to adapt in the short and medium term in order...
Jean-François PelliardFrance is often referred to as a maritime power because it has jurisdiction over the world’s second largest EEZ with 10.2 million km2. Above all, this presentation shows a poor understanding of the maritime dimension....
Thierry DuchesneAttempting to draw lessons from the ongoing naval conflicts in the Black Sea and off the coast of Yemen is unavoidable: these heated clashes are fought over communication, which often yields to sensationalism, even romanticism....
François-Olivier CormanLe 22 septembre prochain Orange Marine inaugurera à la Seyne sur Mer son nouveau navire câblier, le Sophie Germain, qui confirmera la place majeure de la France dans le domaine stratégique de la pose et...
Thierry DuchesneArnaud Peyronnet, FMES associate member of the Strategic Observatory of the Mediterranean and the Middle East (OS2MO) ABSTRACT : Reacting to the visit to Taipei of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the...
Arnaud Peyronnet